Wednesday, June 16, 2010

In the grim darkness of the future...there is only awesome (Maybe)...

I found this yesterday and immediately skipped like a small child over to facebook to post it on a few friend's pages. One of whom is the infamous Milday Geek. She sited me as a source so I am reverse-sourcing her to this awesome sauce clip to what may potentially draw me back into the soulless void that is MMOs.


I have always loved the grim darkness of the 41st millenium and just about anything Warhammer. I have been collecting the miniatures for close to a decade and have immersed myself in every aspect of the fluff I could get my greedy hands on.

The only thing that really stands out in my mind as a sense of disatisfaction is with Warhammer Online. I did a trial and played it for maybe about an hour, if that, hoping and hoping that the reviews were wrong and I could claim some new sense of fun and novelty. Needless to say, I didn't. What I got was a bland experience that just felt like WoW with a different set of animation.

I love this Penny Arcade comic as Tychos BEST SPEECH EVER...but in this topic I sadly have to site it with a nod of agreement to Gabe's comic in the first panel.
So, I am understandably hesitant for Dark Millenium Online. On the one hand I could potentially get to tear up shit as a Chainsword wielding member of the Adeptus Astartes (or Space Marines for you mere mortals)...on the other this could just turn into an expirience as disappointing as its fantasy equivalent.

Come on...who WOULDN'T want to play as someone this bad ass?
I will, of course still sign up for the beta.

Now, it should be noted that I am a recovered WoW player. I used to enjoy exploring its expansive world and hanging out with friends with it. After several years of playing on and off due to work issues I eventually quit after growing tired of repetitive gameplay, constant guild bickering, and a general sense of disinterest in what I was getting for what I was paying for it.

This news also comes at the heels of the announcement of a new paper-and-pencil RPG from the makers of Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy: Deathwatch. In this one you play as the near god-like Space Marines sent against the myriad alien horrors that assail mankind. This version of the Fantasy Flight produced 40K RPG series should be a lot more action oriented as you are tasked to track down, flush out, purge clean, and generally wipe out any foul bug-eyed Xenos out there.

"Suffer Not the Alien to Live" - Moto of both the Deathwatch and the Arizona Department of Immigration

(Drawn by DarkLostSoul86 on DeviantArt)

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