Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Letters concerning the 'Game of Thrones' series

Dear HBO,

Fuck you.  Seriously.  Fuck you for not allowing Game of Thrones to be streamed ANYWHERE.  Don’t you realize this only limits your audience?  It is moves like this which will allow awesome networks like Showtime outpace you in the race to full-streaming TV (Which is the real future). 

I don’t have cable, and will not get it for only one or two shows.  What I WILL do is on some series I will actually pay a buck or two on Zune or iTunes to download episodes (Case in point – The Walking Dead).   

On principle I am now considering acquiring pirated copies of Game of Thrones instead of forking over ~$60 for a DVD series like I am prone to do as a foaming-at-the mouth nerd impulse buyer.  Have fun not having my money.


Dear George R.R. Martin,

I am sorry for the above letter.  I am sorry HBO is being a dick.  I have been listening to a Song of Ice & Fire on Audiobook and it is THE SHIT (which means its awesome in the slang of my generation).  I bought the ACTUAL book last year, but I have NOT been churning through my reading list like I used to. 


Ding dong! Bin Laden’s dead! [Soap Box]

There are a lot of reasons the death of this extremist leader should be celebrated.  There’s the fact that he has been responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of people (Across all faiths and ethnicities).  You can point to the fact that he is the leader of one of the most aggressive Jihadist organizations in the world right now.  Maybe you prefer to think of this in terms of revenge and that he needs to be put down for what he orchestrated almost a decade ago. 

Many will also, I’m sure, make the argument that NO ONE should have to die, but I can’t disagree more in these circumstances, and am almost certain their voices will be drowned out by the cheers.

I think one of the biggest triumph the US receives after this news is in what it says to the world.  It is a statement that when we set our goals, we WILL follow through with them.  It may take a decade, it may take far more effort than anyone at the time could realize: but if it CAN be done it WILL be done.  I think this is important because it seems in the last decades of the 20th century a reputation in the international community seemed to emerge that we are flaky.  The US will go into a situation guns blazing and when it proves difficult they will lose their balls and go home. 

The other statement is what it says to the communities of criminals, extremists, pirates, and other nefarious characters (Note none of these terms are mutually exclusive).  This is the same kind of statement