'So what have I been up to?' you ask? All three readers out there? Weeeellll...
I haven't worked on this blog as I currently consider it a complete failure. There are times when I want to geek out; times I want to get maudlin & philosophic; and times I want to get up on my soap box about politics and world events. I don't think these themes work well as a broad-scope blog. The most successful blogs I've seen have one real 'thang' and stick to it.
I think I want to use Chainsaws & Hand Grenades as a vehicle for two or three sub-blogs. One can be gaming shit, another can be writing/philosophy type stuff, and the third can be me ranting about Libya or breaking down historic events in my own unique way. I am, however, blog-illiterate, and don't have the tools to really do that. If anyone out there DOES and would like to suggest something, I am ALL ears. For now I'm just going to use this as an excues not to post often.
In Nerdy news: Codex Grey Knights for Warhammer 40k will be coming out in a few days. My frothing-at-the-mouth nerd frenzy had me all set to violently consume all that was the newly renewed Daemon-felling champions of the Imperium...until someone threw a shiny object in my path. My cat-like ADHD kicked in and for the last week and a half or so I've been fascinated by the game Infinity.
In case you have NO CLUE what I'm talking about (which is very likely the case): Infinity is a sci-fi miniatures game at the 28mm scale (same as 40k minis). It is more skirmish-based then the frantic free-for all battles of the grim darkness of the far future. Its d20-based rules are relatively simple belying great tactical complexity, and has a fast brutal pace that can be very unforgiving. I won't go too much into the fluff - which is covered pretty well at Beasts of War and Infinity's website.
Some things I really like about it are...
1) The scale of models & points: Most games are only about a 150 points (~10 models), and the models are all on the same scale as the tackle-box full of 40k bits sitting in my apartment.
2) The accessibility: Bellis Corvi (the makers) are most definitely NOT following GW's business model. Instead of slowly giving the rules and armies a little at a time like a drug dealer, BC just opens the doors and lets you OD for free. All the rules and army lists are posted on their site, and are free to peruse and download. They do sell a rule book, but it isn't entirely necessary (unless you are borderline autistic like me and need to be physically holding a copy.
3) Van Zant. How many other Sci Fi games out there have made a reference to such a great under-rated movie and the closest Matthew Mcconaughey EVER came to portraying an interesting bad ass character?

It's like they aren't even being subtle about it...