Officially cold-turkey off coffee as of – 0845 AM
Officially lapsed from my cold turkey coffee – 0856 AM
Officially back on the wagon and off coffee – 0857 AM
Officially back OFF the wagon and robbing a stage coach – 0859 AM
Officially, for serious you guys, off coffee as of – 0900 AM
So yeah…I’m off coffee, I’m off juice, I’m off soda (actually I’ve been off soda since 2005). I am only drinking water. I’m also working out three-four times a day and spending at least a half hour in the sauna.
Why? Well, in part because my job requires it…In part because I’m being compelled to against my will. In fact I’m planning on telling people it’s my own idea though. This last part is bullshit.
As of this morning I was told I have about five weeks to get in great shape, or at least make VAST strides in that direction. Why? Well, my job wants to send me to these Instructor Training courses, and to go there you have to maintain a certain appearance. That appearance evidently is not 6’0” and 265lbs. So I’m off to try to put off as much weight as I can in about five-six weeks. Even if I’m not shedding pounds I’d at least like to be putting on muscle. I think somewhere in the middle is a realistic goal.
This has been something I should have actually been dealing with a long time ago. When I first moved to San Diego last summer, between the fresh slate I had and the gorgeous weather I felt a great drive to try to kick my ass into shape. I was bicycling to and from work every day, I was going to Boxing classes, I was taking time to go to the gym almost every day. So what happened? Like any mercurial force like my drive, it was eventually subject to the tides of time, and was swept out as one by one my efforts were cracked.
Well, my knee is REALLY bothering me, so I’ll just take a day off to see that I don’t push it too hard. I have been hitting it pretty hard today; I think I deserve a day off. Screw that, I don’t want to go work out; I’ve got the next disc of ‘Rome’ to get through.
I have no one to blame but myself, and no one really is in a position to blame me because. Well, and now I’m going to possibly lose credibility by making this sound REALLY personal: It’s NONE OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS. If I want to be fat and happy that’s my prerogative. Just like if I want to spend the entirety of my weekend drinking whiskey and having unprotected sex with other equally foolish, though consenting and of-age adults, that is also my choice. Not healthy or smart, and I may be paying for it (figuratively and literally) for potentially up to eighteen years or whenever the mistake that forms is kicked out of the house.
On the flip side of this, while it’s in my complete civil rights to say “No, fuck that!” and then walk out. I don’t really want to. I LIKE my job, and with the economy in the shitter like it is, it’s not like I have too many options. So, I’m off to run my ass off. Maybe do some Pilates too. We’ll have to see.